Our school garden is gradually taking on a new look. We are implementing the planned hard measures: revitalisation of the school garden into an ecological classroom, building the eco classroom, 2 insect houses, the sensory path, 1 herb spiral, birdhouses and more. Read more...
The opening conference took place online on May 25, 2021 and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, the Nitra self-governing region, the mayor of the Town council in Topoľčany, project partners as well as other grant recipients and primary and secondary school students in Topoľčany. Read more...
The first meeting with our project partner Mgr. Imrich Jakab, PhD. from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies, UKF in Nitra who presented proposals for new educational materials and teaching aids on mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Read more...